Probable Maximum Precipitation, Precipitation Frequency, and Climate Change Analyses for the Upper Churchill Falls Basin, Newfoundland- Labrador.
Project Scope
PMP depths across the 69,000-square kilometer basin for both the summer/fall and spring seasons were developed along with the 100-year snow water equivalent, probable maximum snow accumulation, and melt temperatures sequences. In addition, climate change assessments were completed to understand how temperature and precipitation might change into the future. This region is affected by a range of storms types and storm systems through the year because of its northerly latitude and proximately to the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of St Lawrence.
The new PMP estimates are available from a single grid point to the entire region and are provided via out GIS tool and database. This allows any combination of PMP scenarios to be evaluated. This provides the required outputs for proper hydrologic modelling over this complex system, including rain on snow events as the area transitions from spring snowmelt to rainfall runoff situations.