Project Scope
AWA provided hourly and sub hourly gridded rainfall data for three extreme storm events over the Lake Robinson watershed in South Carolina. These outputs are provided at a 1-square kilometer resolution and provided in both ASCII and NetCDF format for easy application into HEC modeling interfaces. The analyses were completed for the October 1990, October 2015, and September 2018 rainfall events.
AWA has provided these same outputs for hundreds of rainfall events for model calibration and validation. The SPAS process provides the most accurate rainfall reconstructions available, with highly accurate information in temporally, spatially, and in magnitude. AWA’s SPAS process has been certified by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission validation and verification process and accepted in all FERC studies as use for PMP development. Finally, the USACE is purchasing the SPAS database for storms that cover the contiguous United States to populate their Extreme Storm Database.